BUG Images not shown on mobile


New member
We are using the plugin "Robin image optimizer".

The problem: Images on mobile view (or mobile browsers) are often not loading, or only some of them are loading. You can compare the following page on your desktop and mobile browser as an example:
Pastorales Team & Mitarbeiter - Pastoraler Raum Olpe-Drolshagen

First I thought it was a Lazy Loading Problem caused by the plugin "WP Rocket". But I turned Lazy Loading off for mobile by using another plugin called "WP Rocket | No LazyLoad for Mobile Devices". That was not causing the problem.

Then I turned off the plugin "Robin image optimizer", and from then on it worked. However we still need that plugin.

Last but not least: we are using the Wordpress theme called "Divi": Divi — The Ultimate WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder
They said we should contact you.

What to do?