Search results

  1. Temyk

    RESOLVED wp-admin lockout

    Hello. This error is in one of your snippets. Somewhere in the code, you specified no_register_link, but forgot to put $ before the variable name. ( it should be $no_register_link)
  2. Temyk

    RESOLVED Fetch information from a database with AJAX

    Hello. Specify the full URL of the getuser.php file.
  3. Temyk

    RESOLVED Problem in receiveing Form information

    Hello. Why did you wrap the form handler to a function? It's won't work. Try this: if( isset($_GET['wbcr_php_snippet']) ) { echo $_POST["n"]; echo $_POST["group1"]; exit; }
  4. Temyk

    BUG Buddypress activity feed and members directory is broken

    Are you still using the free version of the plugin? If so, try resetting the settings completely
  5. Temyk

    RESOLVED Nothing happens to the pictures after webp is on

    Проблема исправлена. Спасибо за помощь в поиске проблемы
  6. Temyk

    BUG Buddypress activity feed and members directory is broken

    Hello. I don't understand what exactly is broken on these pages? Can you show a screenshot of a non-broken page?
  7. Temyk

    RESOLVED Settings (Image Generation) Page Doesn't Load

    Hello. In the General tab, enable "Delete settings when deleting a plugin". And then deactivate and delete the plugin. Then install the plugin again. If the problem persists, let me know.
  8. Temyk

    RESOLVED Nothing happens to the pictures after webp is on

    Здравствуйте. Попробуйте сейчас еще раз запустить оптимизацию. Если Webp по-прежнему не создаются, то включите Лог Ошибок в настройках плагина и пришлите мне логи сюда.
  9. Temyk

    QUESTION Shadow overlay opacity change

    This is a feature of your theme. You can see this if you enable the standard theme and look at the slider. You need to redo the CSS of your theme
  10. Temyk

    QUESTION Shadow overlay opacity change

    Hello. Describe more clearly what you want to do
  11. Temyk

    QUESTION Include php class file

    Hello. You can place a php file anywhere and connect it in a snippet. include_once ABSPATH."my_scripts/file.php"; ABSPATH - the path to the root folder of wordpress
  12. Temyk

    RESOLVED Dont work for posts from mobile WP application

    Это немного проясняет. Плагин ищет изображения в тексте поста, а потом пытается найти их в медиабиблиотеке. Скажите, это изображение есть в вашей медиабиблиотеке? В плане отладки, лучше дайте доступ...
  13. Temyk

    RESOLVED Dont work for posts from mobile WP application

    Судя по вашему сайту, можно общаться по-русски. Судя по вашему описанию проблемы, плагин просто не находит этот пост, поэтому не добавляет к нему картинку. При массовой генерации плагин ищет посты у которых не существует метаполя _thumbnail_id и skip_post_thumb. Возможно у этого поста было...
  14. Temyk

    RESOLVED Wordpress breaks when trying to pass querystrings

    I'm glad you found a solution.
  15. Temyk

    RESOLVED Dont work for posts from mobile WP application

    We also managed to solve this problem. Update on Monday.
  16. Temyk

    RESOLVED Wordpress breaks when trying to pass querystrings

    Hello. Show me what you're doing. I don't quite understand
  17. Temyk

    RESOLVED Dont work for posts from mobile WP application

    We fixed a bug with image search in the post text. The plugin will be updated on Monday. The Easy Watermark plugin adds a watermark when uploading an image to the media library, not when saving a post.
  18. Temyk

    RESOLVED Disable Contact Form 7 form loading in all pages

    You need to open the Asset Manager from the main page of the site, not from the admin panel! If you open it in the admin panel, you can manage scripts in the admin panel.
  19. Temyk

    RESOLVED Disable Contact Form 7 form loading in all pages

    Hello. You need Assets Manager. It should be launched on the main page of your site from the top menu of Clearfy
  20. Temyk

    RESOLVED Dont work for posts from mobile WP application

    Hello. The Wordpress mobile app works via the API and does not support most plugins. Our plugin only works in the browser. The featured image is not set automatically when saving a post? If there are posts for which this does not work, then I need the source code of one of these posts.