Hi. Thanx for the free support. I followed by your [Cyr to Lat reloaded – transliteration of links and file names] Support | WordPress.org message.
Test sample:
wp_insert_term( ‘t’, ‘post_tag’ ); // Inserts new term
wp_insert_term( ‘t’, ‘post_tag’, array( ‘slug’ => ‘t-alternative’ ) ); // Should insert another term too according to API
But in the second call wbcr_ctlr_sanitize_title redirects slug to already existed due to $is_term check in the code.
Test sample:
wp_insert_term( ‘t’, ‘post_tag’ ); // Inserts new term
wp_insert_term( ‘t’, ‘post_tag’, array( ‘slug’ => ‘t-alternative’ ) ); // Should insert another term too according to API
But in the second call wbcr_ctlr_sanitize_title redirects slug to already existed due to $is_term check in the code.