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  1. Temyk

    QUESTION Change combined js Prefix (WMAC_CACHEFILE_PREFIX)

    Hello. The prefix cannot be changed. What do you need it for?
  2. Temyk

    QUESTION Base Package 5 Website Restriction

    Hello. Yes, you can deactivate the license on one site and activate it on another. Restrictions on simultaneously activated licenses
  3. Temyk

    BUG I ca not access to admin, white screen website

    Hello. I see that you have restored the operation of the site. It was necessary to restore the default htaccess file.
  4. Temyk

    BUG Featured image not changing

    Hello. Social networks cache images from the link. Therefore, you need to wait until the cache is updated. This has nothing to do with the functionality of the plugin
  5. Temyk

    BUG Server Side Caching

    I took a screenshot from the test version of the plugin. Fixed the screenshot. This is a premium option
  6. Temyk

    BUG Server Side Caching

    Hello. Use Preload Cache option
  7. Temyk

    BUG Не работает Convert Plus

    Вот так Дебаг (отладка) в WordPress (WP_DEBUG)
  8. Temyk

    QUESTION Instagram Feed Displayed On Top of Product page of an Item

    Hello. I don't know what you're talking about.
  9. Temyk

    BUG Не работает Convert Plus

    Здравствуйте. Что значит не работает? выдает ошибку? если да, то нужно смотреть логи
  10. Temyk

    BUG Server responded an HTTP error 500

    The license can be used on any number of sites. But the limits will be shared. You can also enable optimization when uploading images.
  11. Temyk

    BUG Server responded an HTTP error 500

    Hello. The free server is really experiencing difficulties due to the load. The beta server is being tested. You can purchase a license and use the premium server.
  12. Temyk

    QUESTION load fonts asynchronously?

    Just use our plugin. It has a lot of useful features besides this one.
  13. Temyk

    BUG Some pages load old cache, even when uninstall plugin. Especially translated pages.

    After removing the Clearfy plugin, it can't do anything with the site. You have a problem with the browser cache or the cache on the site.
  14. Temyk

    BUG Some pages load old cache, even when uninstall plugin. Especially translated pages.

    Hello. Most likely you are using a page caching plugin. It needs to reset the cache
  15. Temyk

    QUESTION load fonts asynchronously?

    Hello. The plugin code is open, you can view it and find the code you need
  16. Temyk

    BUG Hiding Admin Bar Items Doesn't Work Outside of Dashboard

    In the current version of the plugin - yes.
  17. Temyk

    BUG Hiding Admin Bar Items Doesn't Work Outside of Dashboard

    Hello. This only works in the admin area.
  18. Temyk

    BUG Instagram Feed not working

    Facebook has introduced new rules. We are working on fixing this issue.
  19. Temyk

    RESOLVED The plugin causes error 500

    Все сниппеты хранятся в таблице posts кастомных типом поста. в папке winp-css-js лежат CSS и JS сниппеты
  20. Temyk

    RESOLVED The plugin causes error 500

    Здравствуйте. 500 это значит что ошибка в коде одного из ваших сниппетов. Нужно включить безопасный режим плагина Вуди и исправить ошибки в коде. Для этого перейдите по ссылке